
Here is a list of publications that researchers and scholars have produced on the GLM. Only those publications relevant to the Good Lives Model are listed. Publications are presented from most recent to earliest works.

Fortune, C. A. & Ward, T. (in press). Self-regulation targets. In L. E.  Marshall & R. Mann (Eds.).  Treatment of sexual offenders.  Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

Harkins, L., Flak, V. E., & Beech, A.R. (in press). Evaluation of a community-based sex offender treatment program using a Good Lives Model approach. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment.

Harkins, L. Ware, J. & Mann, R. (in press). Treating dangerous offenders. In G. Davies and A.R. Beech (Eds.) Forensic Psychology. Chicester: Wiley-Blackwell.

Levenson, J. S. (in press). Trauma-informed Social Work Practice. Social Work. 

Loney, D.M. & Harkins, L. (under review) Examining the Good Lives Model and antisocial behavior.  

Purvis, M & Ward, T. (under review).  The Good Lives Model of offender rehabilitation.  In R. D. Morgan (Ed.), The Sage Encyclopedia of Criminal Psychology. CA: Sage



Van Damme, L., Fortune, C., Hoeve, M., Vanderplasschen, W., & Colins, O.F. (2021). The role of personal resilience and interpersonal support in building fulfilling and prosocial lives: Examining the Good Lives Model among young women four years after youth detention, International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 1–22. DOI: 10.1177/0306624X21994055



Van Hecke, N., Vanderplasschen, W., Van Damme, L., & Vandevelde, S. (2019). The bumpy road to change: a retrospective qualitative study on formerly detained adolescents' trajectories towards better lives, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 13:10.



Birgden, A. and Ward, T. (2017). Sexual offenders and human rights: Protecting victims (pp. 59-77). In T. Sanders (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Sex Offences and Sex Offenders. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Van Damme, L., Fortune, C., Vandevelde, S., & Vanderplasschen, W. (2017). The Good Lives Model among detained female adolescents. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 37, 179-189.

Vandevelde, S., Vander Laenen, F., Van Damme , L., Vanderplasschen, W.,, Audenaert, K., Broekaert, E., & Vander Beken, T. (2017). Dilemmas in applying strengths-based approaches in working with offenders with mental illness: A critical multidisciplinary review, Aggression and Violent Behavior, 32, 71–79



Barnao, M., Ward, T., & Casey, S. (2016). Taking the good life to the institution: Forensic service users’ perceptions of the Good Lives Model. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 60, 766-786.

Barnao, M., Ward, T., & Robertson, P. (2016) The Good Lives Model: A New Paradigm for Forensic Mental Health, Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 23:2, 288-301.

Birgden, A. (2016). Enabling the disabled: A proposed framework to reduce discrimination against forensic disability clients requiring access to programs in prison. Mitchell Hamline Law Review, 42(2), 638-696.

Birgden, A. (2016). Consent versus coercion: Offender rights and community rights in sexual offender rehabilitation. In C. Ashford, A. Reed, and N. Wake (Eds.), Legal perspectives on state power: Consent and control (pp. 390-422). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Birgden, A. & Ward, T. (2016). Ethical sex offender treatment. In D. Boer, L. Craig, & M. Rettenberger (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell handbook on the assessment, treatment and theories of sexual offending (pp. 1523-1539). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.

Dumas, L. & Ward, T. (2016). The Good lives Model of offender rehabilitation. The Behavior Therapist, 39, 175-177. Ward, T. (2016). Dynamic risk factors: Scientific kinds or predictive constructs. Psychology, Crime & Law, 22, 2-16.

Grady, M. D., Levenson, J. S., & Bolder, T. (2016). Linking Adverse Childhood Effects and Attachment: A Theory of Etiology for Sexual Offending. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, DOI: 1524838015627147.

Harris, A. J., Levenson, J. S., Lobanov-Rostovsky, C., & Walfield, S. M. (2016). Law Enforcement Perspectives on Sex Offender Registration & Notification: Effectiveness, Challenges, and Policy Priorities. Criminal Justice Policy Review. DOI: 10.1177/0887403416651671.

Levenson, J. S. (2016). Hidden Challenges: Sex offenders legislated into homelessness. Journal of Social Work. DOI: 1468017316654811

Levenson, J. S. & Ackerman, A.R. (2016). The relationship between sex offender height and pedophilic interest. Deviant Behavior.

Levenson, J.S., Baglivio, M., Wolff, K., Epps, N., Royall, W., Gomez, K., & Kaplan, D. (2016). Prevalence of Childhood Adversity in the Lives of Juveniles Arrested for Sexual Offenses. Advances in Social Work.

Levenson, J. S. & Grady, M. D. (2016). The Influence of Childhood Trauma on Sexual Violence and Sexual Deviance in Adulthood.Traumatology, 22(2), 94-103. doi: 

Levenson, J. S. & Grady, M. D. (2016). Childhood Adversity, Substance Abuse, and Violence: Implications for trauma-informed social work practice. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions. DOI: 10.1080/1533256X.2016.1150853

Levenson, J. S., Grady, M. D., & Leibowitz, G. (2016). Grand challenges: Social justice and the need for evidence-based sex offender registry reform. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, 43(2).

Levenson, J. S., & Socia, K. M. (2015). Adverse childhood experiences and arrest patterns in a sample of sexual offenders Journal of Interpersonal Violence, DOI: 10.1177/0886260515570751.

Levenson, J.S., Willis, G., & Vivencio, C. (2016). Obstacles to help-seeking for sexual offenders attracted to children: Implications for prevention of sexual abuse. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse.

Levenson, J. S., Willis, G., & Prescott, D. (2016). Adverse Childhood Experiences in the Lives of Male Sex Offenders and Implications for Trauma-Informed Care. Sexual Abuse:  A Journal of Research & Treatment, 28(4), 340-359. doi: 10.1177/1079063214535819

Stinson, J., Quinn, M, & Levenson, J. S. (2016). The impact of trauma on the onset of mental health symptoms, aggression, and criminal behavior in an inpatient psychiatric sample. Child Abuse & Neglect (61) 13-22.

Tan, X. X., Chu, C. M., & Tan, G. (2016). Factors contributing towards stigmatisation of offenders in Singapore. Psychiatry, Psychology, and Law, 23, 956-969. doi: 10.1080/13218719.2016.1195329.

Van Damme, L., Hoeve, M., Vermeiren, R., Vanderplasschen, W., & Colins, O.F. (2016). Quality of Life in Relation to Future Mental Health Problems and Offending: Testing the Good Lives Model Among Detained Girls. Law and Human Behavior, 40, 3, 285-294.

Ward, T., & Birgden, A. (2016). Rights and risk assessment in sex offenders. In D. Boer, L. Craig, & M. Rettenberger (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell handbook on the assessment, treatment and theories of sexual offending (pp. 1523-1539). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.

Ward, T., & Fortune. C. (2016). From Dynamic Risk Factors to Causal Processes: A Methodological Framework Psychology, Crime & Law, 22, 190-202.

Ward, T. & Fortune, C. (2016). (Eds.) Dynamic Risk Factors: What Role should they play in the explanation, assessment and rehabilitation of offenders? Psychology, Crime & Law, 22, 1-202.

Ward, T & Fortune, C. (2016). The role of dynamic risk factors in the explanation of offending. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 29, 79-88. doi: 10.1016/j.avb.2016.06.007

Ward, T. & MacDonald, I. (2016). The role of Dynamic Risk factors and Protective factors in the Treatment of Offenders: A Reconceptualization. In C. Trotter, G. McIvor, & F. McNeill (Eds.) Beyond the Risk Paradigm – Rethinking Practices in Criminal Justice (pp.200-220). London, UK: Routledge.

Ward, T. & Willis, G. (2016). Dynamic Risk Factors and Offender Rehabilitation: A Comparison of The Good Lives Model and The Risk-Need Responsivity Model. In D. R. Laws & W, O’Donohue, (Eds.), Treatment of sex offenders: Strengths and weaknesses in assessment and intervention (pp 175-190). New York, NY: Springer.

Willis, G. M., & Levenson, J. S. (2016). The relationship between childhood adversity and adult psychosocial outcomes in females who have sexually offended: implications for treatment. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 1-13. doi:10.1080/13552600.2015.1131341

Woldgabreal, Y., Day, A., & Ward, T. (2016. Linking Positive Psychology to Offender Supervision Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Psychological Flexibility, General Self-Efficacy, Optimism, and Hope. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 43, 697-721.



Arrigo, B. & Ward, T. (2015) (Eds.).  Response, Rehabilitation, and Reconciliation: The normative dimension of offenders desistance journey. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 42, 5-124.

Barnao, M & Ward, T.  (2015). Sailing uncharted seas without a compass: A Review of Interventions in Forensic Mental Health. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 22, 77-86.

Barnao, M., Ward, T., & Casey, S.  (2015).  Looking beyond the illness: Forensic service users perceptions of rehabilitation. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 30, 1025-1045.

Chu, C.M & Ward, T.  (2015). The good lives model of offender rehabilitation: Working positively with sex offenders. In N. Ronel & D. Segev (Eds.)  Positive Criminology. Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge.

Chu, C. M., Koh, L. L., Zeng, G., & Teoh, J. (2015). Youth who sexually offended: Primary human goods and offense pathways. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 27, 151-172. doi: 10.1177/1079063212499188.

Durrant, R., & Ward, T. (2015). Evolutionary Criminology: Towards a Comprehensive Explanation of Crime and its Management. New York, NY: Academic Press.

Fortune, CA, Bourke, P., & Ward, T.  (2015). Expertise and child sex offenders.  Aggression and Violent Behavior 20, 33-41.

Fortune, C. A., Ward, T. & Mann, R. (2015). Good lives & the rehabilitation of sex offenders: A positive treatment approach. In A. Linley and S. Joseph (Eds.), Positive psychology in practice (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons.

Göbbels, S., Thakker, J., & Ward, T.  (2015).  Desistance in mentally disordered offenders.  In J. Winstone (Ed.) Perspectives on Mentally Disordered Offending: key issues for justice and health responses. London, UK: Palgrave MacMillan.

Heffernan, R & Ward, T.  (2015). The conceptualization of dynamic risk factors in child sex offenders: An agency model. Aggression and Violent Behavior,24, 250-260.

Ho, W. T., & Chu, C. M. (2015). Playing with fire: Pyromania. In G. Lange & J. Davison (Eds.), Abnormal psychology in Singapore: An Asian casebook (pp. 135-148). Singapore: NUS Press.

Purvis, M., Ward, T, & Willis, G.  (2015). Applying the Good Lives Model of Offender Rehabilitation to Sex Offenders. In M. Carich & S. Mussack (Eds.), The Safer Society Handbook of Adult Sexual Offense Assessment and Treatment. Safer Society Press.

Van Damme, L., Colins, O., De Maeyer, J., Vermeiren, R., & Vanderplasschen, W. (2015). Girls' quality of life prior to detention in relation to psychiatric disorders, trauma exposure and socioeconomic status. Quality of Life Research, 24, 6. DOI 10.1007/s11136-014-0878-2.

Ward, T. & Beech, A. (2015).  Dynamic risk factors: A theoretical dead-end?. Psychology, Crime & Law, 21, 100-113.

Ward, T., Gannon, T , & Fortune, C. (2015). Restorative Justice informed moral acquaintance: Resolving the dual relationship problem in forensic and correctional psychology. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 42, 45-57.

Ward, T. (2015). The detection of dynamic risk factors and correctional factors.  Criminology & Public Policy, 14, 105-111.

Ward, T. (2015). Ethical practice in the treatment of sex offenders: Addressing the dual relationship problem. In D. Wilcox (Ed). Sex Offender Treatment: A Case Study Approach to Issues and Interventions. Oxford, UK: Wiley- Blackwell.

Willis, G.M., Prescott, D.S. & Yates, P.M. (2015). Application of an integrated good lives approach to sexual offender treatment. In D.S. Prescott & R.J. Wilson (Eds.), Very different voices: Perspectives and case studies in treating sexual aggression (pp. 175-196). Holyoke, MA: NEARI Press.


Chu, C., Ward, T., & Willis, G. (2014).   Practising the Good Lives Model. In F. McNeill & I. Durnescu. (Eds.) Who Works?:Understanding Penal Practices (pp206-222). London, UK: Routledge. 

Fortune, C. A., Ward, T., & Print, B.  (2014).  Integrating the good lives model with relapse prevention: Working with juvenile sex offenders. In W. O’Donohue & D. Bromberg (Eds.).  Toolkit for working with juvenile sex offenders (p. 405-426). New York, NY: Elsevier Science.

Fortune, C., Ward, T., & Polaschek, D.  (2014).  The good lives model and therapeutic environments in forensic settings. Therapeutic Communities, 35, 95-10

Levenson, J. S. (2014). Incorporating Trauma-Informed Care into Sex Offender Treatment. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 20(1), 9-22. 

Levenson, J. S., Willis, G., & Prescott, D. (2014). Adverse Childhood Experiences in the Lives of Male Sex Offenders and Implications for Trauma-Informed Care. Sexual Abuse:  A Journal of Research & Treatment. doi: 10.1177/1079063214535819

Göbbels, S., Willis, G., & Ward, T. (2014). Current re-entry practices in sex offender treatment programs: Desistance-facilitating or hindering? Journal of Sexual Aggression, 20, 354-366.

Lord. A. (2014).  Integrating risk, the Good Lives Model and recovery for mentally disordered sexual offenders.  Journal of Sexual Aggression: An international, interdisciplinary forum for research, theory and practice, DOI: 10.1080/13552600.2014.975164.

Purvis, M., Ward, T, & Willis, G.  (2014). Applying the Good Lives Model of Offender Rehabilitation to Sex Offenders. In M. Carich & S. Mussack (Eds.), The Safer Society Handbook of Adult Sexual Offense Assessment and Treatment. Safer Society Press. 

Thakker, J., Ward, T., & Chu, C. M. (2014). The good lives model of offender rehabilitation: A case study. In W. O’Donohue (Ed.) Case studies in sexual deviance. London, UK: Routledge.

Ward, T. & Fortune, C. A. (2014). The Good Lives Model: A strength-based approach to offender rehabilitation. In D. Polizzi, M. Braswell, & M. Draper (Eds.). Humanistic Approaches to Corrections and Offender Treatment. Carolina Academic Press. 

Ward, T., Fox, A., & Garber M. (2014). Restorative justice, offender rehabilitation, and desistance. Restorative Justice: An International Journal, 2, 24-42.

Willis, G., Ward. T., & Leveson, J. (2014). The Good Lives Model (GLM):  An evaluation of GLM operationalization in North American treatment programs. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 26, 58-81. 

Woldgabreal, Y., Day, A., Ward, T. (2014).   The Community-Based Supervision of Offenders from a Positive Psychology Perspective. Aggression and Violent Behavior,19, 32-41.



Barnao, M. (2013). The Good Lives Model toolkit for mentally disordered offenders, The British Journal of Forensic Practice, 15 (3)

Birgden. A. (2013). Assessing risk for preventive detention of sex offenders: The dichotomy between community protection and offender rights is wrong-headed. In P. Keyzer, Preventive detention: Asking the fundamental questions. Cambridge, UK: Intersentia.

Fortune, C. A. & Ward, T. (2013). The rehabilitation of offenders: Striving for good lives, desistance, and risk reduction. In J. Helfgott (Ed.), Criminal Psychology. New York, NY: Praeger Publishers.

Fortune CA., & Ward, T. (2013). Integrating Strength-Based Practice into Forensic CBT. In R. Tafrate & D. Mitchell (Eds.), Forensic CBT: A practitioners guide. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

Goebbels S., Ward, T., & Willis, G. M.  (2013). Offender Rehabilitation: The Good Lives Model. Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie

Levenson, J.S., Shields, R., & Singleton, D. (2013). Collateral punishments and sentencing policy: Perceptions of residence restrictions for sex offenders and drunk drivers. Criminal Justice Policy Review. DOI: 10.1177/0887403412462385

Print, B (Ed.), (2013). The Good Lives model for adolescents who sexually harm. Brandon VT: Safer Society Press.

Purvis, M., Ward, T. & Shaw, S. (2013). Applying the Good Lives Model to the Case Management of Sexual Offenders: A Practical Guide for Probation Officers, Parole Officers, and Case Workers. Brandon, VT: Safer Society Press.

Trotter, C. & Ward, T. (2013). Involuntary clients, pro-social modeling, and ethics. Ethics and Social Welfare, 7, 74-90.

Ward, T. (2013). The heart of offender rehabilitation: Values, knowledge, and capabilities. In L. A. Craig, L. Dixon, & T. A. Gannon (Eds.). What Works in Offender Rehabilitation: An evidence based approach to assessment and Treatment. West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons.

Ward, T. (2013). Addressing the dual relationship problem in forensic and correctional practice. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 18, 92-100.

Ward, T., & Durrant, R. (2013).  Altruism, empathy, and sex offender treatment. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 8, 73-78.

Ward, T. & Fortune, CA. (2013). The Good Lives Model: Aligning risk reduction with promoting offenders personal goals. European Journal Of Probation, 5, 29-46.

Ward, T., Goebbels S., & Willis, G. M.  (2013). Offender rehabilitation: The construction of better lives and the reduction of risk. In G. Bruinsma and D. Weisburd (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Springer Science.

Ward, T. & Rose, C. (2013). The punishment and rehablitation of sexoffenders: An ethical maelstrom. In K. Harrison and B. Rainy (Eds.), Legal and ethical issues in sex offender treatment. Oxford, UK: John Wiley & Sons.

Ward, T., & Willis, G. (2013). Ethical issues in sex offender research. In K. Harrison and B. Rainy (Eds.), Legal and ethical issues in sex offender treatment. Oxford, UK: John Wiley & Sons.

Willis, G. & Ward, T. (2013). The good lives model: Evidence that it works.  In L. Craig, L. Dixon, & T.A. Gannon (2013), What Works in Offender Rehabilitation: An evidence based approach to assessment and Treatment (pp. 305-318). West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons.

Willis, G.M., Yates, P.M., Gannon, T.A., & Ward, T. (2013). How to integrate the Good Lives Model into treatment programs for sexual offending: An introduction and overview. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 25, 123-142

Willis, G.M., Prescott, D.S., & Yates, P.M. (2013). The Good Lives Model in Theory and Practice. Sexual Abuse in Australia and New Zealand, 5(1), 3-9.

Wylie, L; Griffin, H. (2013). G-map's application of the Good Lives Model to adolescent males who sexually harm: A case study. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 19, 3, 345-356.



Ackerman, A. R., Levenson, J. S., and Harris, A. J. (2012). How many sex offenders really live among us? Adjusted counts and population rates in five U.S. states. Journal of Crime & Justice. DOI:10.1080/0735648X.2012.666407

Barnao, M., Robertson, P., & Ward, T. (2012). Ethical decision making and forensic practice. British Journal of Forensic Practice, 14, 81-91.

Braden. M., Göbbels, S., Willis, G. M., Ward, T., & Costeletos. M. (2012). Creating social capital and reducing harm: Sex offender support and awareness groups. Sexual Abuse in Australia and New Zealand, 4(2), 36-42.

Casey, S., Day, A., Vess, J., & Ward,T. (2012). Foundations of offender rehabilitation. London, UK: Routledge.

Day, A., Hardcastle, L., & Birgden. A. (2012). Correctional case management: Current status and future directions. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 51, 1-11.

Farmer, M., Beech, A., & Ward, T. (2012). Assessing desistance in child molesters: A qualitative study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 27, 930-950.

Fortune, C. A. & Ward, T. (2012). Reducing risk by promoting good lives: Issues in sex offender treatment. Actualité Juridique Penal, 640-645.

Fortune, C. A., Ward, T., & Willis, G.M. (2012). The rehabilitation of offenders: Reducing risk and promoting better lives. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 19, 646

Göbbels, S., Ward, T., & Willis, G. (2012). An integrative theory of desistance from sex offending. Aggression and Violent Behavior,17, 453-462.

Harkins, L., Flak, V. E., & Beech, A.R. (2012). Evaluation of a community-based sex offender treatment program using a Good Lives Model approach. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 24, 519-543.

Harkins, L. Ware, J. & Mann, R. (2012). Treating dangerous offenders. In G. Davies and A.R. Beech (Eds.) Forensic Psychology. Chicester: Wiley-Blackwell.

Harris, A. J., Levenson, J. S., and Ackerman, A. A. (2012). Registered Sex Offenders in the United States: Behind the numbers. Crime and Delinquency. doi:10.1177/0011128712443179

Jeglic, E., Mercado, C. C., & Levenson, J. S. (2012). The Prevalence and Correlates of Depression and Hopelessness among Sex Offenders Subject to Community Notification and Residence Restriction Legislation. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 37(1), 46-59.

Levenson, J. S., & Harris, A. J. (2012). 100,000 Sex Offenders Missing … Or Are They? Deconstruction of an Urban Legend. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 23(3), 375-386.

Levenson, J. S., Sandler, J. C., & Freeman, N. J. (2012). Failure-to-Register Laws and Public Safety: An Examination of Risk Factors and Sex Offense Recidivism. Law & Human Behavior. DOI: 10.1037/b0000002

Levenson, J. S., Tewksbury, R., & Giorgio-Miller, J. (2012). Experiences of nonoffending parents and caretakers in child sexual abuse cases. Southwest Journal of Criminal Justice, 8(2).

Mapham, A., & Hefferon, K. (2012). “I used to be an offender - now I’m a defender”: Positive psychology approaches in the facilitation of posttraumatic growth in offenders. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 51 (6), 389 - 413.

Nobles, M. R., Levenson, J. S., & Youstin, T. J. (2012). Effectiveness of Residence Restrictions in Preventing Sex Offense Recidivism. Crime and Delinquency 58, 491-513.

Scoones, C., Willis, G.M., & Grace, R.C. (2012). Beyond static and dynamic risk factors: the incremental predictive validity of release planning in sex offender risk assessment. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 27, 222 - 238. doi: 10.1177/0886260511416472

Ward, T. (2012). The rehabilitation of offenders: Risk management and seeking good lives. JapaneseJournal of Offender Rehabilitation, 1, 57-76.

Ward, T. (2012). Moral Strangers or Fellow Travellers?: Contemporary Perspectives on Offender Rehabilitation. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 17, 37-40

Ward, T., Rose. C., & Willis, G. (2012). The rehabilitation of offenders: Good lives, desistance, and risk reduction. In G. Davis & A. Beech (Eds.), Forensic Psychology 2nd ed. Oxford, UK: Wiley Blackwell.

Ward, T., Yates, P.M., & Willis, G.M. (2012). The Good Lives Model and the Risk Need Responsivity Model: A critical response to Andrews, Bonta, and Wormith (2011). Criminal Justice and Behavior, 39, 94-110. doi: 10.1177/0093854811426085

Willis, G. M., & Johnston, L. C. (2012). Planning helps: the impact of release planning on subsequent re-entry experiences of child molesters. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 18, 194-208. doi: 10.1080/13552600.2010.506576

Zgoba, K., & Levenson, J. S. (2012). Failure to Register as a Predictor of Sex Offense Recidivism: The Big Bad Wolf or a Red Herring? Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 24, 328-349. 



Ackerman, A., Harris, A.J., Levenson, J.S., Zgoba, K. (2011). Who are the people in your neighborhood? A descriptive analysis of individuals on public sex offender registries. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 34, 149-159.

Colombino, N., Mercado, C.C., Levenson, J.S., & Jeglic, E. (2011). Preventing sexual violence: Can examination of offense location inform sex crime policy? International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 34, 160-167.

Birgden, A., & Cucolo, H. (2011). The treatment of sex offenders: Evidence, ethics, and human rights. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 23(3), 295-313.

Day, A., Ward, T. & Shirley, L. (2011). Reintegration services for long-term dangerous prisoners: A case study and discussion. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 50, 66-80.

Gannon, T., King, T., Miles, H., Lockerbie, L., & Willis, G. M. (2011). Good lives sexual offender treatment for mentally disordered offenders. British Journal of Forensic Practice, 13, 153-168.

Laws, D. R. & Ward, T. (2011). Desistance from sexual offending: Alternatives to throwing away the keys. New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Levenson, J.S. (2011). Sex offender policies in an era of zero tolerance. What does effectiveness really mean? Criminology & Public Policy, 10(2), p. 229-233.

Levenson, J. S. (2011). But I didn't do it! Ethical treatment of sex offenders in denial. Sexual Abuse: Journal of Research and Treatment 23(3).

Purvis, M., Ward, T., & Willis, G. (2011). The Good Lives Model in Practice: Offence Pathways and Case Management. European Journal of Probation, 3(2), 4-28.

Robertson, P., Barnao, M., & Ward, T. (2011). Rehabilitation frameworks in forensic mental health. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 16, 472-484.

Ward, T. (2011). Human rights and dignity in offender rehabilitation. Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, 11, 103-123.

Ward, T. & Salmon, K. (2011). The ethics of care and the treatment of sex offenders. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 23, 397-413

Willis, G. & Ward, T. (2011). Striving for a Good Life: The Good Lives Model applied to released child molesters. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 17, 290-303.

Yates, P. M., & Prescott, D. S. (2011). Building a better life: A good lives and self-regulation workbook. Brandon, VT: Safer Society Press. (Currently being translated into Japanese by Safer Society Press).



Barnao, M., Robertson, P., & Ward, T. (2010). The Good Lives Model applied to a forensic population. Psychiatry, Psychology, & Law, 17, 202-217.

Birgden, A. (2010). Community reintegration of prisoners with mental disabilities: The Australian and New Zealand context. In H. A. Dlugacz (Ed.), Re-entry planning for offenders with mental disorders: Policy and practice (pp. 11-1-34). Kingston, NJ: Civic Research Institute, Inc.

Birgden, A., & Grant, L. (2010). Establishing a compulsory drug treatment prison: Therapeutic policy, principles, and practices in addressing offender rights and rehabilitation. International Journal of Psychiatry and Law, 33, 341-349.

Day, A., Casey, S., Ward, T, Howells, K., & Vess, J. (2010). Transitions to better lives: Offender readiness and rehabilitation. Devon, UK: Willan Publishing.

Day, A. & Ward, T. (2010). Offender rehabilitation as a value laden process. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 54, 289-306.

Harkins, L. & Thomas-Peter, B. (2010). Treatment of sex offenders. In J. Brown, J. & E. Campbell, E. (Eds.), Cambridge handbook of forensic psychology.

Letourneau, E., Levenson, J.S., Bandyopadhyay, D., Armstrong, K., & Sinha, D. (2010). The Effects of Public Registration on Judicial Decisions. Criminal Justice Review.

Levenson, J. S., Fortney, T., & Baker, J. N. (2010). Views of Sexual Abuse Professionals about Sex Offender Notification Policies. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 54(2), 150-168.

Levenson, J.S., Prescott, D., & D’Amora, D. (2010). Sex Offender Treatment: Consumer Satisfaction and Engagement in Therapy. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 54(3).

Purvis, M. (2010). Seeking a Good Life: Human Goods and Sexual Offending. Lambert Academic Press: Germany.

Thakker, J & Ward, T. (2010). The Good Lives Model and the treatment of substance abusers. Behaviour Change, 27, 154-175.

Ward, T. (2010). The good lives model of offender rehabilitation: Basic assumptions, etiological commitments, and practice implications. In McNeill, F., Raynor, P., & Trotter, C. (Eds.). Offender Supervision: New Directions in Theory, Research and Practice (pp41-64). Devon, UK: Willan Publishing.

Ward, T., & Laws, D.R. (2010). Desistance from sex offending: Motivating change, enriching practice. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 9, 11-23.

Willis, G.M., Levenson, J.S, & Ward, T. (2010). Desistance and attitudes towards sex offenders: facilitation or hindrance? Journal of Family Violence, 25, 545-556.

Willis, G. M., & Ward, T. (2010). Risk management versus the Good Lives Model: The construction of better lives and the reduction of harm. In M. Dréan-Rivette & M. Evans (Eds.) Transnational Criminology Manual. Netherlands: Wolf Legal Publishing.

Yates, P., Prescott, D., & Ward, T. (2010). Applying the Good Lives and Self-Regulation Models to sex offender treatment: A practical guide for clinicians. Brandon, Vermont: Safer Society Press.

Zandbergen, P. A., Levenson, J. S., & Hart, T. (2010). Residential proximity to schools and daycares: An empirical analysis of sex offense recidivism. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 37(5), 482-502.



Birgden, A. (2009). Crime prevention jurisprudence? A response to Andrews and Dowden. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 51(1), 93-118.

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Fortney, T., Baker, J. N., & Levenson, J. S. (2009). A Look in the Mirror: Sexual Abuse Professionals’ Perceptions about Sex Offenders. Victims and Offenders, 4(1), 42-57.

Harkins, L., & Beech, A.R. (2009). Assessing therapeutic needs for sex offenders. In J.L.Ireland, C. Ireland, & P. Birch (Eds.), Violent and sexual offenders: Assessment, treatment, and management. UK: Willan.

Langlands, R, Ward, T., & Gilchrist, L. (2009). Applying the Good Lives Model to Male Perpetrators of Domestic Violence. Behaviour Change, 26, 113-129.

Levenson, J.S., Macgowan, M.J., Morin, J.W., & Cotter, L.P. (2009). Perceptions of sex offenders about treatment: Satisfaction and engagement in group therapy. Sexual Abuse: Journal of Research & Treatment 21(1).

Levenson, J. S., & Tewksbury, R. (2009). Collateral damage: Family members of registered sex offenders. American Journal of Criminal Justice 34 (1/2) 54-68.

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Tewksbury, R., & Levenson, J. S. (2009). Stress experiences of family members of registered sex offenders. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 27(4), 611-626.

Ward, T., & Birgden, A. (2009). Accountability and dignity: Ethical issues in forensic and correctional practice. Journal of Aggression and Violent Behaviour, 14, 227-231.

Ward, T., Gannon, T., & Vess, J. (2009). Human rights and ethical principles and standards in forensic psychology. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 53, 126-144.

Ward, T. & Langlands, R. (2009). Repairing the rupture: Restorative justice and offender rehabilitation. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 14, 205-214.

Ward, T. & Nees, C. (2009). Surfaces and depths: Evaluating the theoretical assumptions of cognitive skills programmes. Psychology, Crime, & Law, 15, 165-182.

Ward, T. & Salmon, K. (2009). The ethics of punishment: Implications for correctional practice. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 14, 239-247.

Willis, G. M., & Grace, R. C. (2009). Assessment of community reintegration planning for sex offenders: poor planning predicts recidivism. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 36, 494-512.

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Yates, P.M. (2009). Using the Good Lives Model to Motivate Sexual Offenders to Participate in Treatment. In D. S. Prescott (Ed.), Building Motivation to Change in Sexual Offenders. Brandon, VT: Safer Society Press.

Yates, P. M., Kingston, D.A., & Ward, T. (2009). The Self-Regulation Model of the Offence and Re-offence Process: Volume III: A Guide to Assessment and Treatment Planning Using the Integrated Good Lives/Self-Regulation Model of Sexual Offending. Victoria, BC: Pacific Psychological Assessment Corporation. Available at



Barnett, G., & Wood, J. (2008) Agency, relatedness, inner peace and problem-solving in sexual offending: How sexual offenders prioritise and operationalise their Good Lives conceptions Sexual Abuse, 20 (4), 444-465. ISSN: 1079 - 0632

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Ireland, J. L., Ireland, C. A., Birch, P (Eds.) (2008). Assessment, Treatment and Management of Violent and Sexual Offenders. Willan Publishing.

Katz, S.M, Levenson, J.S., & Ackerman, A.R. (2008). Myths and facts about sexual violence: Public perceptions and implications for prevention. Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture, 15(3).

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Levenson, J.S. (2008). Collateral consequences of sex offender residence restrictions. Criminal Justice Studies 21(2), 153-166.

Mercado, C.C., Alvarez, S., & Levenson, J.S. (2008). The Impact of Specialized Sex Offender Legislation on Community Re-Entry. Sexual Abuse: Journal of Research & Treatment, 20(2).

Ward, T., & Langlands, R. (2008). Restorative justice and the human rights of offenders: Convergences and divergences. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 13, 355-372

Ward, T. & Connolly, M. (2008). A human rights-based practice framework for sexual offenders. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 14, 87-98.

Ward, T & Moreton, G. (2008). Moral Repair with Offenders: Ethical Issues Arising From Victimization Experiences. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 20, 305-322.

Willis, G. M., & Grace, R. C. (2008). The quality of community reintegration planning for child molesters: effects on sexual recidivism. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 20, 218-240.

Yates, P.M. & Ward, T. (2008). Good Lives, Self-Regulation, and Risk Management: An Integrated Model of Sexual Offender Assessment and Treatment, Sexual Abuse in Australia and New Zealand: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 1, 3-20.



Brannon, Y., Levenson, J.S., Fortney, T., & Baker, J. (2007). Attitudes about Community Notification: A Comparison of Sexual Offenders and the Non-offending Public. Sexual Abuse: Journal of research and treatment 19(4) 369-379.

Collie, R., Ward, T., Hufham, L. & West, B. (2007). The Good Lives Model and young people who sexually offend. In M. C. Calder (Ed.). Children and young people who sexually abuse: taking the field forward, (pp52-64). London, UK: Russell House Publishing.

Connolly, M. & Ward, T. (2008). Morals, human rights, and practice in human services. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley.

Levenson, J.S. (2007). The new scarlet letter: Sex offender policies in the 21st century. In D. Prescott, Ed., Applying Knowledge to Practice: Challenges in the Treatment and Supervision of Sexual Abusers, p. 21-41. Wood and Barnes Publishing.

Levenson, J.S. (2007). Residence restrictions and their impact on sex offender reintegration, rehabilitation, and recidivism. ATSA Forum, Volume XVIII, No. 2, Spring 2007.

Levenson, J.S., Brannon, Y., Fortney, T., & Baker, J. (2007). Public perceptions about sex offenders and community protection policies. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 7(1), 1-25.

Levenson, J.S, & D’Amora, D. (2007). Social policies designed to prevent sexual violence: The Emperor’s new clothes. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 18(2), 168-199.

Levenson, J.S, & Hern, A. (2007). Sex offender residence restrictions: Unintended consequences and community re-entry. Justice Research and Policy, 9(2), 59-73.

Levenson, J.S., Zgoba, K., & Tewksbury, R. (2007). Sex Offender Residence Restrictions: Sensible Crime Policy or Flawed Logic? Federal Probation, 71(3), 2-9.

Lindsay, W., Ward, T., Morgan, T., & Wilson, I. (2007). Self-Regulation of Sex Offending, Future Pathways and the Good Lives Model: Applications and Problems. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 13, 37-50.

Prescott, D.S. (2007). Knowledge and practice: Challenges in the treatment and supervision of sexual offenders. Oklahoma City, OK: Woood'N'Barnes.

Siegert, R., Ward, T., Levack, W. & McPherson, K. (2007). A Good Lives Model of clinical and community rehabilitation. Disability and Rehabilitation, 29, 1604-1615

Ward, T. (2007). Promoting human goods and reducing risk. In K. Workman (Ed.). Beyond Retribution - Advancing the Law and Order Debate (pp 109-115. Prison Fellowship of New Zealand.

Ward, T. (2007). On a clear day you can see forever: Integrating values and skills in sex offender treatment. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 13, 187-201.

Ward, T. & Birgden, (2007). A. Human rights and correctional clinical practice. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 12, 628-643.

Ward, T., Day, A. & Casey, S. (2007). Offender rehabilitation down under. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 43, 73-83.

Ward, T., Gannon, T. & Mann, R. (2007). The Good Lives Model of Offender Rehabilitation: Clinical Implications. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 12, 87-107.

Ward, T. & Marshall, W. L. (2007). Narrative identity and offender rehabilitation. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 51, 279-297.

Ward, T. & Maruna, S. (2007). Rehabilitation: Beyond the risk assessment paradigm. London, UK: Routledge.

Ward, T., Melser, J., & Yates, P. M. (2007). Reconstructing the Risk Need Responsivity Model: A Theoretical Elaboration and Evaluation. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 12, 208-228.

Whitehead, P., Ward, T., & Collie, R. (2007). Time for a Change: Applying the Good Lives Model of Rehabilitation to a High-Risk Violent Offender. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 51, 578-598.

Yates, P.M. (2007). The Good Lives and Self-Regulation Models of Rehabilitation: Implications for Clinical Practice. Presented at the 26th Annual Convention of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA), San Diego, CA, November, 2007.

Yates, P.M. & Ward, T. (2007). Treatment of Sexual Offenders: Relapse Prevention and Beyond. In K. Witkiewitz and G.A. Marlatt (Eds.), Therapists’ Guide to Evidence-Based Relapse Prevention (pp. 215-234). Burlington, MA: Elsevier Press.



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Eccleston, L. & Ward, T. (2006). Criminal justice and good lives. In A Taylor. Social Justice as a human need. New YorK, NY: Nova Science

Eccleston, L. & Ward, T. (2006). Is risk management enough? Approach and avoidance goals in the treatment of sex offenders. In R Wortley & S. Smallbone (Eds.), Situational prevention of child sexual abuse (pp 223-250). Devon, UK: Willan Publishing.

Ward, T. & Fisher, D. (2006). New ideas in the treatment of sexual offenders. In W. L. Marshall, Fernandez, Y., & L. Marshall. (Eds.) Sexual offender treatment: Issues and controversies (143-158). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.

Ward, T., & Gannon, T. A. (2006). Rehabilitation, eitiology, and self-regulation: The comprehensive good lives model of treatment for sexual offenders. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 11, 77-94.

Ward, T., Polaschek, D., & Beech, A. (2006). Theories of sexual offending. John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Ward, T., Vess, J., Gannon, T., & Collie, R. (2006). Risk Management or Goods Promotion : The Relationship between Approach and Avoidance Goal in the Treatment of Sex Offenders. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 11, 378-393.

Ward, T., Yates, P.M., & Long, C.A. (2006). The Self-Regulation Model of the Offence and Relapse Process, Volume II: Treatment. Victoria, BC: Pacific Psychological Assessment Corporation. Available at



Kokish, R., Levenson, J.S., & Blasingame, G. (2005). Post conviction sex offender polygraph examination: Client perceptions of accuracy and utility. Sexual Abuse: Journal of Research & Treatment, 17(2), 211-221.

Levenson, J.S. & Cotter, L.P. (2005). The impact of sex offender residence restrictions: 1,000 feet from danger or one step from absurd? International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 49(2), 168-168.

Levenson, J.S. & Cotter, L.P. (2005). The impact of Megan’s Law on sex offender reintegration. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 21(1), 49-66.

Marshall, W. L., Ward, T., Mann, R., Mouldan, H., Fernandez, Y., Serran, G., & Marshall, L. (2005). Working Positively with sex offenders: Maximizing the effectiveness of treatment. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 20, 1096-1114.



Birgden, A. (2004). Therapeutic jurisprudence and responsivity: Finding the will and the way in offender rehabilitation. Crime, Psychology & Law, 10(3), 283-296.

Birgden, A. (2004). Therapeutic jurisprudence and sex offenders: A psycholegal approach to protection. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 16(4), 351-364.

McMurran, M. & Ward, T. (2004). Motivating offenders to change in therapy: An organizing framework. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 9, 295-311.

Stewart, C. A. Ward, T. & Purvis, M. (2004). Promoting Mental Health in the Workplace. In J. C. Thomas. & M. Hersen (Eds.), Psychopathology in the workplace: Recognition and adaptation (pp329-343). New York: Brunner-Routledge.

Ward, T. & Beech, A. (2004). The etiology of risk: A preliminary model for sexual offenders. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment,16, 271-284.

Ward, T. & Brown, M. (2004). The good lives model and conceptual issues in offender rehabilitation. Psychology, Crime, & Law, 10, 243-257.

Ward, T., Day. A., Howells, K., & Birgden, A. (2004). The multifactor offender readiness model. Aggression and Violent Behaviour, 9(6), 645-673.

Ward, T. & Marshall, W, L. (2004). Good lives, etiology and the rehabilitation of sex offenders: A bridging theory. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 10, 153-169.



Birgden, A., & Ward, T. (2003). Pragmatic psychology through a therapeutic jurisprudence lense: Psycholegal soft spots in the criminal justice system. Public Policy, Psychology, and the Law, 9(3), 334-360.

Laws, D.R. (2003). Sexual offending is a public health problem: Are we doing enough? In T. Ward, D.R. Laws, & S.M. Hudson (Eds.), Sexual deviance: Issues and controversies (pp. 297-316). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Laws, D.R. (2003). Harm reduction and sexual offending: Is an intraparadigmatic shift possible? In T. Ward, D.R. Laws, & S.M. Hudson (Eds.), Sexual deviance: Issues and controversies (pp. 280-296). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Laws, D.R. (2003). Behavioral economic approaches to the assessment and treatment of sexual deviation. In T. Ward, D.R. Laws, & S.M. Hudson (Eds.), Sexual deviance: Issues and controversies (pp. 65-81). Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage.

Laws, D.R. (2003). The rise and fall of relapse prevention. The Australian Psychologist, 38, 22-30.

Laws, D.R. & Marshall, W.L. (2003). A brief history of behavioral and cognitive-behavioral approaches to sexual offenders. Part 1. Early developments. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 15, 75-92.

Marshall, W.L. & Laws, D.R. (2003). A brief history of behavioral and cognitive-behavioral approaches to sexual offenders. Part 2. The modern era. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 15, 93-120.

Ward, T., & Brown, M. (2003) The Risk-Need Model of Offender Rehabilitation: A Critical Analysis. In Ward, T., Laws, D. R., & Hudson, S. H. (Eds.), Sexual deviance: Issues and controversies (pp338-353). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Ward, T. & Stewart, C. A. (2003). The relationship between human needs and criminogenic needs. Psychology, Crime, & Law,9, 219-224.

Ward, T. & Stewart, C. A. (2003). The treatment of sex offenders: Risk management and good lives. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 34, 353–360.



Birgden, A. (2002). Therapeutic jurisprudence and “good lives”: A rehabilitation framework for corrections. Australian Psychologist, 37(3), 180-186.

Laws, D.R. (2002). Owning your own data: The management of denial. In M. McMurran (Ed.), Motivating offenders to change: A guide to enhancing engagement in therapy (pp. 173-191). Chichester, UK: Wiley.

Ward, T. (2002). Good lives and the rehabilitation of sexual offenders: Promises and problems. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 7, 513-528.

Ward, T. (2002). The management of risk and the design of good lives. Australian Psychologist, 37, 172-179.




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