Some of the GLM scholars and practitioners represented on this site provide training to organisations wishing to implement the GLM.

If you would like to arrange for delivery of in-house, tailored GLM training, please contact us.



GLM consultancy is currently offered across multiple key domains:

  • Offender Treatment
  • Offender Case Management
  • Adolescents who sexually harm
  • Firesetter/Arsonist Treatment
  • Mentally Disordered Offenders
  • Programme Evaluation
  • Framework/Policy Development

If you are seeking support or consultancy on the GLM in relation to any of these domains, please contact us at or alternatively, contact a GLM expert directly from the profiles page.

By way of an example, the following description of the GLM case management approach is provided.


The Good Lives Model Case Management Approach

A Good Lives Model Case Management Approach has been designed by Dr Mayumi Purvis and Prof Tony Ward, based on the theory of the GLM and additional findings from Dr Purvis’ empirical research, completed in 2006.  This research tested the GLM aetiological assumptions and conceptual underpinnings with a group of child sexual offenders.  The outcome is a case management approach that is strengths-based, structured yet individualised and equipped with comprehensive case management analytical tools.

Applying the GLM in case management requires skill, time and effort, however the thoroughness and depth of analysis of the GLM means that its outcomes truly benefit the offender in terms of reducing risk and assisting him/her in constructing and living a more pro-social and personally meaningful life.  The GLM Case Management Approach is also a helpful and rewarding process for the case manager due to its strengths-based focus.  Specifically, the GLM Case Management Approach provides case managers with the skills and tools to:

  1. Thoroughly assess each offender and his current life, previous way of living and future life plans;      
  2. Identify each offenders’ full range of pathways to offending;
  3. Identify each offenders’ high priority areas for intervention;
  4. Target high priority areas in a meaningful way which is most likely to gain the offender’s interest and investment and therefore yield a successful outcome; and
  5. Identify and meaningfully report on evidence of change and progress within the offender.

The GLM Case Management Approach is suitable for any offender population and can be applied (albeit differently) in both community corrections and the custodial setting.

If you would like to consultancy or training in the GLM case management approach, please contact Mayumi Purvis or Tony Ward via the Profiles page.



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